Python is a versatile programming language that supports various data types, including numbers, strings, and booleans. Understanding these data types and how to work with them is essential for writing effective Python code. This guide will cover Python numbers, strings, booleans, and type casting, along with examples and best practices.

Python Numbers

 Python supports three types of numeric data: integers, floating-point numbers, and complex numbers.


 Integers are whole numbers without a decimal point. They can be positive, negative, or zero.


x = 10  
y = -5  
z = 0  

Floating-Point Numbers

 Floating-point numbers, or floats, are numbers with a decimal point. They can represent fractional values.


pi = 3.14159  
negative_float = -0.001  

Complex Numbers

 Complex numbers consist of a real part and an imaginary part, represented as a + bj, where a is the real part and b is the imaginary part.


complex_num = 2 + 3j  

Python Strings

 Strings are sequences of characters enclosed in single quotes (') or double quotes ("). They are used to represent text.


greeting = "Hello, World!"  
name = 'Alice'  

String Operations

 Strings support various operations, such as concatenation, repetition, and slicing.


# Concatenation  
full_name = "John" + " " + "Doe"  
# Repetition  
repeated_string = "Hello" * 3  
# Slicing  
substring = greeting[0:5]  # "Hello"  

String Methods

 Python provides several built-in methods for manipulating strings, such as upper()lower()strip()replace(), and split().


text = "  Hello, World!  "  
# Convert to uppercase  
upper_text = text.upper()  # "  HELLO, WORLD!  "  
# Convert to lowercase  
lower_text = text.lower()  # "  hello, world!  "  
# Remove leading and trailing whitespace  
stripped_text = text.strip()  # "Hello, World!"  
# Replace a substring  
replaced_text = text.replace("World", "Python")  # "  Hello, Python!  "  
# Split the string into a list  
split_text = text.split(",")  # ["  Hello", " World!  "]  

Python Booleans

 Boolean data types represent one of two values: True or False. They are commonly used in conditional statements and logical operations.


is_active = True  
is_logged_in = False  

Boolean Operations

Booleans support logical operations such as andor, and not.


x = True  
y = False  
print(x and y)  # False  
print(x or y)   # True  
print(not x)    # False  

Comparison Operators

Booleans are often used with comparison operators to evaluate expressions.


a = 10  
b = 5  
print(a > b)   # True  
print(a == b)  # False  
print(a != b)  # True  

When to Use Booleans

Booleans are used in situations where you need to evaluate conditions and make decisions based on those conditions. They are commonly used in if statements, loops, and logical operations.


age = 20  
# Check if the person is an adult  
is_adult = age >= 18  
if is_adult:  
    print("The person is an adult.")  
    print("The person is not an adult.")  

In this example, the boolean variable is_adult is used to determine whether the person is an adult based on their age.

Type Casting

Type casting, or type conversion, is the process of converting a value from one data type to another. Python provides several built-in functions for type casting, including int()float()str(), and bool().


# Convert integer to float  
x = 10  
y = float(x)  # y is now 10.0  
# Convert float to integer  
pi = 3.14  
radius = int(pi)  # radius is now 3  
# Convert integer to string  
age = 30  
age_str = str(age)  # age_str is now "30"  
# Convert string to boolean  
is_valid = "True"  
is_valid_bool = bool(is_valid)  # is_valid_bool is now True  

Type Casting Examples

Integer to Float

x = 5  
y = float(x)  
print(y)  # Output: 5.0  

Float to Integer

pi = 3.14  
radius = int(pi)  
print(radius)  # Output: 3  

String to Integer

num_str = "100"  
num_int = int(num_str)  
print(num_int)  # Output: 100  

Integer to String

age = 25  
age_str = str(age)  
print(age_str)  # Output: "25"  


Understanding Python numbers, strings, booleans, and type casting is essential for writing effective and efficient code. This guide covered the basics of these data types, along with examples and best practices. By mastering these concepts, you can write more robust and versatile Python programs. Happy coding!


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